Wednesday 16 November 2011

A Healthy Lifestyle for Healthier Hair

Some men look regal sans their crowning glory. Actors Patrick Stewart, Jason Statham and Bruce Willis, and singer-composer Pitbull can carry off their shaved heads with gusto and cool confidence.

But for many, hair loss makes a huge dent on self-esteem. I know a few men who, under their manly composure, would quietly slab on hair tonic or seek treatment for their receding hairlines. They no longer think that just because they are men, it’s fine to be bald.

The problem with losing hair is that sometimes, you are just predisposed to it. It’s a genetic thing. If your father’s hairline recedes early, chances are, so will yours.

The most common type of hair loss is pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia, which affects both men and women. Half of all men and women over 60 suffer from this. It ‘runs in the family’ and is genetically determined.

We all have androgen receptor genes, which hold the key to whether we are genetically predisposed to hair loss or not.

Lifestyle also affects the condition of our hair. So if we cannot control our genes, a healthier lifestyle may help us retain our crowning glory longer.

The difference between 30 years ago and now is that people today are more stressed. Adding to the damage is the unhealthy environment, such as air pollution. Also, our typical diet consists of more processed food. What is bad for the body is bad for the hair.

Our hair is also constantly being subjected to strong chemical treatments in line with fashion. In the long run, hair will be damaged. Finally, many of us don’t get enough rest and sleep, which do not give hair ample time to regenerate.

Shampooing also plays a role in hair loss. We want to emphasise proper hair and scalp care because excessive hair loss can be exacerbated by unhygienic scalp conditions. There is always a need for greater awareness and education — many people still focus on the hair and neglect the scalp which has an important role in determining hair health.