Wednesday 12 October 2011

Fighting Hair Loss with the Right Foods

Experts say that there are certainly a number of medical hair loss treatments that offer great results; however, hair loss sufferers and hair care professionals alike say that it is natural hair loss treatment that can provide some of the best benefits for all concerned about the health of their hair.

Most people choose to treat their hair loss with medications or surgery, such as minoxidil, finasteride, or hair transplantation. But many people do not realize that drugs and surgery are costly and may carry some harmful side effects and risks.

The most secure and cost-effective treatment of hair loss includes a healthy diet, herbal medicine, exercise and proper hair care techniques. Natural hair loss treatment has been a ‘lost art’ of hair repair and is often overlooked as a form of treatment among the very expensive mainstream treatments.

Basic principles of the natural treatment of hair loss include intake of foods that are good for hair and scalp health. While hair loss can be caused by many other variables, lack of nutrition causes hair loss in most people. Foods that are rich in protein, low in carbohydrates, and reduced in fat help maintain healthy hair and prevent hair loss.

For example, essential fatty acids — found in spinach, nuts, soy, tuna, sardines, sunflower seeds and canola oil — are important elements essential in a diet to help keep your hair healthy. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids contain anti-inflammatory properties, which are useful for healthy hair. The lack of attention to these essential fatty acids can lead to excessive hair loss.

Everyone has some hair loss every day. Indeed, it is normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day. However, some people lose hair much more and longer than expected, for genetic reasons, diseases, medications, stress, injury, or unhealthy foods.