Thursday 20 October 2011

Ayurvedic Hair Loss Treatment: A Safe Baldness Solution

Hair loss is a common problem but that doesn’t mean it’s any more pleasant if you have it. Even experts are not in agreement with what works and what does not work when it comes to effective hair loss treatments, and these treatments have been searched for by many for centuries.

Hair loss can sometimes be caused by prescription drugs used to combat a serious medical condition or illness. Any drug that affects your hormones, like antidepressants and chemotherapy, can have this effect. This is exactly why those who take steroids to enhance their performance or physique are at risk of hair loss, in addition to other various side effects. If you suspect any medication you’re taking is causing your hair to get thinner or fall out, talk to your doctor and a change may be possible.

You should also keep in mind that it’s more common for hair loss to occur naturally rather than as a side effect, so just because you’re on some kind of medication doesn’t mean it’s causing your hair loss.

If you’ve tried various natural hair loss remedies without success, or even if you haven’t tried anything yet, you may want to look into Ayurveda, the healing tradition from India. Even though there are a few products on the net and in shops for your hair, seeking a professional practitioner may be something you wish to do if you’re serious about this.

The reason you should do this is that you can make sure your Ayurvedic treatment is personalized, as your condition will be considered fully. The suggestion of a change in diet and lifestyle will be given by an Ayurvedic doctor, and they can have many beneficial effects in addition to improved hair growth. But if you really don’t want to go as far as this, you can pick an Ayurvedic treatment specifically for the hair, which could include herbal shampoos, organic-based conditioners and essential oils. Meditation and relaxation exercises are also usually incorporated into Ayurvedic hair loss treatments.